Hotel X Toronto provides Barrier Free guestroom options for those with mobility restrictions. Our Signature King Guestroom is available with Barrier Free options. Please select Barrier Free rooms when booking directly on our website, and let us know if we can assist you further.
Room Features
2 Guests (MAX.)
1 King Bed
In-room Amenities
Concierge Suite Elite Pillow Top Mattresses
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Nespresso Zenius Pro
Complimentary Bottled Water
55" Samsung TV
Bluetooth Cordless Alarm Radio
Digital Temperature Control
Mini Refrigerator
19" Safe
L'Occitane Bath Amenities
Movable Magnifying Makeup Mirror
Hair Dryer
Bathrobe and Slippers
Iron and Board
Wider clearances in front and beside the beds as required
All hooks, shelves, hardware and devices are mounted at BF minimum/accessible heights
All handles, pulls, accessories and fixtures are BF compliant
Showers and Toilets have all required grab bars and required seating
Showers are walk-in (no curbs or glass enclosure) as required
Complimentary Shuttle to Billy Bishop Airport and Union Station